Annual open enrollment is a period of time, typically once per year, when you select your benefits for the next 12 months. During this time, you can log into Maxwell and see all the benefits that are offered by your employer.
During your annual open enrollment time, you can:
- Enroll in or waive benefits that are newly available to you.
- Make changes to your profile information and current benefits.
- Add or remove family members from your benefits.
Annual open enrollment is a crucial time of the year, as it's potentially the only time that you can make new selections, as well as make any changes to your current benefits. Make sure to take advantage of this by looking through all your available benefits.
What do I need to do during annual open enrollment?
There are a few steps that are very similar to our guide on What to Expect When Selecting Your Benefits. You should have been notified of your upcoming open enrollment, including when it begins and ends. Before you log in and complete the steps below, make sure today is actually within your open enrollment period, otherwise, you will not see any benefits to select from. The steps are:
- Complete profile information
- Shop and add benefits to your cart
- Review and submit your enrollment
Complete profile information
First, you'll need to make sure all your profile information is up-to-date and accurate. Information entered here will be used while you shop for benefits.
- Enter all the required fields, denoted by an asterisk (*). If your child does not have a social security number yet, reach out to your benefits administrator for next steps.
- You should add all the dependents that you may want to be covered on your benefits. If you're shopping and need to go back to add a dependent, follow the steps outlined in the article on adding a dependent.
Adding profile information in Maxwell
Review your available benefits
After completing your profile information, you can start shopping for benefits. Maxwell aims to make your benefits enrollment simple and familiar.
Browse all your available benefits in your benefits cart. Then, click into each benefit to review the details for the plan options on each benefit.
When you find a plan that works for you, add it to your cart. If you don't want a benefit, you can choose to waive it. Each product may have some additional options to select, such as the family members you want to cover before you can add it to your cart.
For medical, dental, and vision benefits, if you have multiple plan options to choose from, you can compare plans side-by-side.
When you're done adding one benefit to your cart, you'll see a prompt to move on to the next benefit, as well as a summary of the cost per pay period so far. Click Next and keep shopping!
Review your selections and proceed to checkout
After you've taken action on each benefit type, it's time to carefully review what you've selected. When you're done reviewing, click Proceed to Checkout.
Reviewing your cart & proceeding to checkout
Final review and submit your enrollment
This is your chance to complete a final review before submitting your enrollment to your benefits administrator.
If any benefits you selected require beneficiaries, now's the time to add them before you submit your enrollment. There will be an "Update my Beneficiaries" button at the bottom of the page. Click that button to add, edit, or remove beneficiaries for each product. Then, you can enter beneficiary information for each plan.
Here, you should review your coverage, especially your recurring cost per pay period.
If everything looks good, click Submit Enrollment.
Important: After you've submitted your enrollment successfully, you may have some forms you need to complete due to the plans you checked out with. Make sure to complete these as soon as possible, as they may hold up processing your benefit selections.
You'll now be brought to a confirmation page that will let you know that your selections have been submitted successfully! If you need to go back to shopping to make any changes, click Make Changes to My Elections.
Your benefits will now be pending until they've been successfully enrolled with the carriers. If you have questions about whether you are enrolled or when your benefits start, read the article "How do I know if I am enrolled?"